View from the terrace Restaurant of Les Trois Rois

Beautiful BASEL

Rathaus  "Town Hall" Basel

REBSTOCK Muttenz, Consistently excellent, food, and service

Good burger must be followed by a delicious, and large coupe of ice cream

Consistently excellent food and service, Rebstock

How about a good, juicy burger, with fat French fries, on the terrace Restaurant of landmark hotel, Les Rois Rois "The Three Kings"  on the bank of Rheine River, flanked by 3 star Michelin Restaurant, Cheval Blanc

Moral of the story is that occasionally, a delicious burger is a better choice than a 3 star Michelin dinning with all the formalities and arrogance

After a good burger, and ice cream, invariably, one needs a good pharmacy, so we visit one of the oldest pharmacies in Switzerland, Goldener Apotheke